



Christmas 1944. Soviet soldiers invade Hungary and drag every young woman with German origins away from a small village and transport them to a Soviet labor camp where they are forced to work in the coal mines under inhuman conditions. This is where Irén, one of the Hungarian women, meets Rajmund who decides to teach her how to survive. While she is determined to return home to her little daughter and family, history and fate have a different plan: Irén and Rajmund fall in love. 永冬豆瓣评价: oDD-O-o发表了评价:前半段主要展现了斯大林时期抓来劳工的惨无人道,后半段聚焦于男女主的困境中的爱情。撕《圣经》卷烟和斯大林画像中反光情爱戏真的是很天才了。【2019-05-15 08:18:31】 徹菴发表了评价:那么1944年以前发生了什么呢?醉心于匈牙利民族主义与过往帝国荣光的右翼,把42万犹太裔国民送往奥斯维辛之后开始抱怨苏联人抓壮丁?【2022-01-17 16:25:22】 熊猫毛发表了评价:整体影像质量还行,就是太像电视电影的故事了……【2019-05-26 22:18:38】 bridgers发表了评价:二战时匈牙利不是跟随德国同苏联开战的吗,怎么变成1944苏联入侵匈牙利了?【2021-12-24 20:48:01】
